About Us

11 + years


Our goal is to make sure Your space is clean.

Welcome, “POSH STAFF MANPOWER CLEANING SERVICE” is registered in 2013 as a Legal Cleaning Service based in Kurdistan, providing housemaids and most excellent cleaning Service both Commercial & Residential. We also provide Office & Building cleaning necessities! we know letting someone into your home is a big deal.

Maid services/Domestic cleaning
1Building cleaning
Deep cleaning of office/warehouses / villas/ apartments’
Well trained & professional
Reliable & trustworthy

Our House Cleaning Maid Service in Kurdistan offers

Daily Service Options:
Part time or Hourly Maids
  • Hourly maids will work on hourly basis depending on the time you choose
  • Hourly maids can finish the work within the desired hours
Full Time Maid service
  • Full time maids work for the full day
  • Full time maids will take care of your home for 24 hours or for the time you choose.